Nyx seizes control of a target's mind, compelling them to fight for the Tenno cause. Controlled enemies have increased
Nyx unleashes a volley of psychic bolts that track and strike nearby enemies with telekinetic precision. When enemies are slain, additional bolts scatter to new targets. Striking foes weakens their defenses and transfers a portion to Nyx.
Nyx releases a devastating psychic pulse, disorienting enemies in a wide radius and forcing them to turn on each other. Confused foes lash out at random factions.
Nyx draws in and contains the damage dealt to her and the damage confused enemies deal to each other then converts it into a devastating radial blast. Following the blast, she enters a brief invulnerable state and gains a Weapon Damage boost proportional to the absorbed damage.
As the Nyx Protoframe, Eleanor is a powerful psychic with a much more physically pronounced connection to the strange infection that gives The Hex their abilities. This New Year's kiss might come with a bit of added risk… Her relationships with the other members of The Hex — particularly Lettie — are even more complicated.