St. Patrick's Day 2024
Sham-rock and roll with Corpus Events, Darvo Deals and more in March!
Posted On 2024-03-01 09:22:00
St. Patrick's Day 2024

Fancy wearing green all month long rather than just a day or two? You're in luck, Tenno — we're celebrating St. Patrick's Day in the Origin System throughout March! There'll be charming Corpus Weekend Alerts, Darvo Deals, a returning Shamrock Color Palette and loads more available until it's all clover!

Corpus Weekend Alerts

Three separate Corpus Alerts will be playable each weekend in March, yielding good fortune to anyone who partakes! There are returning items such as the Gauss In Action Glyph and Teshin Glyph, along with the all-new, all-elegant Rapier Tributaker Skin! Check out the tables below for a comprehensive breakdown of when and where each Mission will occur.

Corpus Weekend #1

When: March 1 at 11 a.m. ET to March 4 at 11 a.m. ET

Location: Venus, E Gate

Mission Type: Exterminate

Faction: Corpus

Enemy Level: 20-25

Enemy Count: 100+

Rewards: 30,000 Credits, Teshin Glyph

Corpus Weekend #2

When: March 8 at 11 a.m. ET to March 11 at 11 a.m. ET

Location: Jupiter, IO

Mission Type: Defense

Faction: Corpus

Enemy Level: 20-25

Enemy Count: 10 waves

Rewards: 30,000 Credits, Gauss In Action Glyph

Corpus Extended Weekend #3

When: March 15 at 11 a.m. ET to March 25 at 11 a.m. ET

Location: Europa, Morax

Mission Type: Mobile Defense

Faction: Corpus

Enemy Level: 35-40

Rewards: 30,000 Credits, Rift Sigil, Rapier Tributaker Skin

Corpus-themed Darvo Deals

It wouldn't be a starry celebration without our old pal Darvo swooping in and offering you some of his iconic deals. Visit his shop on any Relay or the in-game Market for up to 35% off Corpus-themed treasures like the Arca Plasmor, Cycron, Falcor and plenty more! He still only accepts Platinum despite the occasion, though — so leave those gold pieces at home.

In-Game Market Additions

Several previously available Supporter Packs are also coming to the in-game Market permanently this month! Pick up the New War Tribute Pack to receive a sleek Ravurex Gunblade Skin, Narmer Color Pallette, Archon Nira Glyph and Archon Nira Sigil. There'll also be an Zariman Tribute Pack and Deimos Tribute Pack for anyone looking to up their Fashion Frame game.

Shamrock Color Palette


If you missed out on the Shamrock Color Palette from previous years, you're in luck — it'll once again be available via the in-game Market for 1 Credit from now until March 25 at 11 a.m. ET! Give your favorite Warframes that green sheen that shows you're a clover, not just a fighter.

Pot of Platinum Giveaway

It wouldn't be St. Patty's Day without testing your luck. Enter the Pot of Platinum Giveaway between now and March 18 to see if you're one of three lucky Tenno that'll take home some extra Platinum!