Community Spotlight: Ketrina Draws A Lot
Charming comics from a hilarious artist!
发布于 2015-06-22 17:50:39
Community Spotlight: Ketrina Draws A Lot

In Warframe's Space Ninja co-op gameplay players spend most of their time working together to complete a common goal. Capturing VIP targets, executing enemy forces or hunting for rare resources is all part of a day's work -- but some members of the community go above and beyond refining the efficiency of behind slaughtering Grineer. Some just help make Warframe's community a really great place to be.

Whether it's a helpful tutorial or creative art projects Community Spotlight is all about giving the incredible work these unsung Tenno a moment to shine!

This edition of Community Spotlight we got a chance to speak with the talented Ketrina Yim, the creative illustrator behind ketrinadrawsalot.tumblr.com. Her regular Warframe comics have kept us all laughing for over a year now, creating an archive of hilarity that follows some of Warframe's most notable events and Updates!

Tell us a bit about yourself

Well, for starters my name is Ketrina, also known as Ketrinadrawsalot. On the Warframe subreddit my name is HalaKahiki and every week I draw a Warframe comic based on something that I've noticed in game or some new feature that's come up. I mostly like to post silly drawings on the internet.

What got you started on Warframe?

So I got started on Warframe at the suggestion of my brother, who had played it for a few weeks and suggested some friends and I join in. I said, 'oh yeah, I'll just check this out'. I guess from that moment on I've been hooked!

I've been playing since April of 2013. That's pretty close to when Open Beta started, so I guess I've been on for a while now. It's been amazing to watch the game evolve from what it was when I started to what it is now.

What made you want to make comics?

Well, I've always like to just draw things and a lot of times my inspiration comes from what I read or the things that I've seen or video games that I've played. I've drawn comics and cartoons about Starcraft II, Borderlands and things like that. Once I'd been playing Warframe so extensively it was only a matter of time before I started drawing stuff about it.

And how long have you been illustrating for?

I've pretty much been drawing all my life, really. As for comic making, that started when I was in elementary school. I would just make silly little comics. I was heavily inspired from reading newspaper comics as a kid and reading comic books as well. I always wanted to do my own comics as a result of that.

I got really serious around High School. That's when I got into making comics almost every day. Funny things that I'd draw on any piece of paper that I could get a hold of. Then I got my tablet when I was in college, so I started drawing comics on the computer. It's mostly been digital since then.

Your style is really distinct, really eye catching. Is it something you've worked to refine?

I like to think that it's still evolving. Like I said before a lot of my influences are from things that I read, watch, or play. I feel like my style has come from all the different things I've tried to emulate. It started with me trying to emulate newspaper comics, and then when I got into video games I started trying to draw video game characters. Just absorbing all the bits and pieces of styles from other people and trying to put them together into something I can call my own.

I guess that's how a lot of people develop their style. From absorbing a lot of different influences and then combining it into something unique.

How long does it take you to make a single comic?

So I would say that actually drawing the comic takes about two or three hours for me -- but I haven't actually been timing myself so it's hard to say! But that's just the production part. Actually coming up with the idea, it kinda depends on inspiration really. When it strikes.

Sometimes I'll just be playing the game and I'll just notice something. Something that my squad did, and it's like 'oh I can totally make a comic about that!' Some weeks I think 'I want to do something on this certain topic, but I can't think of what I want to do.' Say I wanted to draw a comic about Vay Hek -- well what could I joke about in that sense? That takes a little more thought.

Do you have a favorite comic you've drawn?

Favorite comic…wow. I've drawn quite a few, and I gotta say that I love them all, but I think my favorite one right now is the four-part series involving Corrupted Vor and the Janus Key. That's the first time I kinda turned the Warframe comics into a mini story arc.

Is there a Character or Warframe you enjoy illustrating the most?

In my comics I try to give everyone a share of the spotlight, so I don't have a favorite one to draw. I do have a favorite one to play as, so maybe in that sense I have a leaning toward Saryn. She has the kind of balance of being not too complicated to draw but at the same time having a really distinct…

Well, they all kind of have a distinct shape but I still really like drawing her a lot. But overall in my comics I try to give every Warframe a chance to be featured.

Every comic for sure has a Warframe that I actually own and has my color scheme. I wonder if anyone's noticed when seeing the comics and seeing a Warframe that looks just like that in a squad. That they would make that kind of connection.


So far I don't think anyone has, or maybe they just haven't said it!

They may just never have noticed before!

Maybe it occurs to them afterwards when they read the comic. 'Hey I just saw one like that!'

Did you have any advice for someone looking to start their own comic or illustration?

Oh man, there's just so many bits of advice I could probably write a book about it all! Definitely just do it. The hardest part is getting started. For me, I already had this blog where I draw something every day. It's called the Draw Something Daily Initiative, so I already had motivation to draw things regularly. One day, I decided for my daily drawing to make a comic about Bananaberon. After that took off, I decided to do more funny things about Warframe and post it on the internet.

The hard part is getting started because you worry 'what if people don’t like it' or 'what if people say mean things to me' and you just gotta take the feedback. Sometimes people will say non-helpful things and that's just how it is sometimes. Other times people say 'oo that's really cool' or 'oh you can improve it by doing this', and you take that to heart. Use that to improve and motivate yourself.

Use positive comments and constructive criticism to push yourself forward. Going along that line, practice!

I've looked back at my comics from the beginning, and they look a little rough compared to the ones I do now. It's just minute changes over time. Your skills may improve very quickly or very slowly, but in the end as long as you keep drawing you'll keep improving.

Finally, don't forget to have fun. If you're not having fun drawing or making comics, it's gonna show in your work. When you enjoy drawing that enthusiasm will come out.

That's fantastic advice. Thank you so much for sharing all your art with all of us. Your work always has such a positive impact on our community.

I'm glad that it has! When I post it on Reddit there's always comments from people saying 'I laughed so hard when I saw that, and it makes me happy to have brightened someone's day. When Update 16 came out people were obviously divided -- and when I posted my comics during that time I hoped to offer a refuge from all that serious stuff.

Every major Update is going to have people arguing over what's good or bad about it, but my comics are that kind of neutral ground where people can take a break and see something silly.

A huge 'thank you' goes out to Ketrina for taking time out of her schedule to wow us with her enthusiasm. From all of us here at Digital Extremes, thanks for all the laughs.

If you'd like to see more of her Warframe comics be sure to check out Ketrina's tumblr here or for more of her work outside of Warframe be sure to visit Ketrina's portfolio here.