The Sentinel zips through another brief edition this week as we prepare for a big batch of news on Friday. Devstream 180 lands on Friday, May 31 and will give your biggest batch of info about Jade Shadows yet! It’s also the last Devstream before TennoCon 2024 brings all the biggest Warframe news of the year on July 20. So get ready to battle your Adversaries for new Kuva and Tenet Weapons, ride the Nightwave, and prepare for all the goodies you can expect at the show and beyond!
This week’s topics:
This week is still shrouded in shadows, but Devstream 180 and Devshorts are here to shed some light! Devstream 180 will air May 31 at 2 p.m. ET. This will be the final Devstream before this year’s TennoCon 2024 celebrations, and offer a comprehensive look at the upcoming Jade Shadows update! Learn more about Jade (our 57th Warframe!), the Ascension game mode, the next Heirloom Collection, and the full TennoCon 2024 schedule.
Devshorts airs later today, with Creative Director Rebecca Ford returning to give you a glimpse into Warframe’s inner workings. This week’s show will stream May 28 at 2 p.m. ET with topics including: Nora’s Mix Vol. 6 and the upcoming Devstream.
You can watch both shows live or, if you’re reading this after they release, via the archives on Twitch and YouTube!
Devstream 180, Jade Shadows, and TennoCon 2024 — there’s a lot on our plate in the next few months! To make sure that everything goes off without a hitch, we’re temporarily pausing Hotfixes (as per usual) until Jade Shadows launches in June.
We do have a list of items we want to fix, but they’ll require additional development effort after we finish the June update (which includes a number of changes and quality-of-life updates itself). Tune in to today’s Devshorts for more details!
The heavens descend under the watchful eye of the sun and moon, as this divine Prime Resurgence rotation returns! Wukong Prime and Equinox Prime are available from Varzia. Visit her in Maroo’s Bazaar to purchase them for Regal Aya, or exchange Aya for Void Relics to earn them in-game. If you’re looking for more Aya, tackle Bounties and Missions in the Void!
Speaking of “shadows”, within the darkness of the Origin System, your Adversaries await! Take up the hunt against the Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos to obtain the new Tenet Glaxion and Kuva Sobek Weapons, if you haven’t already. Once you’ve obtained them, you can grab some great Mods and skins specific to the weapon archetypes from Nora’s Mix Vol. 6!