The Remote Observer – Vol 23
Arcane changes, new Captura Camera Tools, and more!
Posted On 2018-03-02 16:43:00
The Remote Observer – Vol 23

Welcome back to another week of the Remote Observer! Are you a Maestro at the Mandachord but not at reading patch notes? Worry not, we’ve compiled all the highlights for you below.

(p.s. if you REALLY are a Mandachord Maestro, send us your Octavia Augment ideas in this thread.



· Arcanes are no longer tied to cosmetics! They can now only be installed to Warframes and Operators (2 per), as well as Amps and Zaws (1 per) themselves. All Arcanes installed on Cosmetics/Helmets will be Distilled upon login.

· You can now trade Upgraded Arcanes!

· You can now search/sort within the Arcane Manager screen.

· You must be at least Mastery Rank 5 or have an Arcane owned if below Mastery Rank 5 to install an Arcane.

· Arcanes have received a visual overhaul! Arcane Rarity now matches the style we use on Mods and Relics. Hopefully this is a much clearer representation of their Rarity than before:

Post-launch, we have also made some changes to the Arcane Manager screen to alleviate confusion when Upgrading. We will continue to monitor this for further necessary changes!

· When Upgrading an Arcane, you can now specify to what level you want to Upgrade it to and do multiple ranks in a single operation.

· Changed the Arcane Rank indicators to be Arcane icons instead of numbers.


· Removed The Law of Retribution/Nightmare, and The Jordas Verdict Trials.

- Upon logging into Warframe, you will receive an Inbox message thanking you for your dedication to the Trials over the years and a new Invati Sekhara (if you have completed at least 1 Trial). All your items used to craft Trial keys over the years have also been refunded back to you.


· You can now have up to 8 players in a single Captura session without needing the Trial lobby!

· Added 7 new Captura Syndicate Scenes.

· Added the ability to place up to 200 Camera Positions, adjust Camera Speeds, and more. Use the new Cinematic Mode button to the Camera track without UI!

· Place up to 5 in-world Text lines with the option to change text color.

· Added Lotus Glow and Edge of Shadows filters, plus Filter Opacity and Filter Depth sliders.

In Mission

· Added a pulse FX on player arrow (YOU!) upon opening (and every 5 seconds after) the Advanced Plains Map.

· When you complete a Bounty stage or Incursion, Reviving won't make you lose the Affinity that you earned before that checkpoint.

· Fixed not receiving a Corrupted Mod from opening the Orokin Vault if you extract after 10 minutes of an Orokin Derelict Survival mission.

· Operators (if Transference has been used at least once) now receive Affinity for each Synovia of the Teralyst/Gantulyst/Hydrolyst destroyed. Our intentions here are to help with leveling up Operator Amps.

· Increased the amount of Affinity you earn from killing Vomvalysts by 5x to help Operator Amp leveling.


· Added 6 new Narta (dance) emotes! Equip them for free in your gear wheel.

· After placing an Orbiter Decoration, you now have the option to place another of that type without having to go through the Decoration item menu again (when not looking at any Decoration).

Weapon Changes

· Fixed Beam weapons not being able to damage enemies (alive but in a ragdolled state) when being affected by certain ‘crowd control’ Abilities.

· Damage now ramps up over 0.6 seconds and after moving off target there is a delay of 0.8 seconds before it starts to decay over 2 seconds.

· All Beam weapons now start their Damage ramp up at 20% (instead of 10%) with the following exceptions: Convectrix’s primary fire starts at 60%, and alt fire at 80%; Phage starts at 70%; Embolist starts at 30%.


No updates this week on Consoles, but that’s because we submitted Shrine of the Eidolon to cert! Want to see what to expect on Tuesday, March 6? You can do so here:

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