Star Days are here
Celebrate love and earn your wings for a limited time!
Posted On 2021-02-11 09:13:00
Star Days are here

 Star Days are here

Love is what keeps the planets spinning — the love of friends, family, lovers, or even your bestest Kavat! Love is the glue that binds the Origin System together. Nobody knows this better than Ticker, who's honoring love in all its forms during Star Days!

To get into the Star Days spirit, claim special Rewards by exchanging Debt-Bonds at Ticker’s decked-out booth in Fortuna until February 24 at 2 p.m. ET.

 Star Days are here

Take your Fashion Frame to new heights with the majestic Eros Wings Ephemera, customize your Arsenal with returning Rewards like the Eros Arrow Skin, and don’t miss out on brand-new seasonal Glyphs. 

 Star Days are here

 Star Days are here

Star Days Rewards will only be available until February 24 at 2 p.m. ET, so don’t wait to start spreading the love!

 Star Days are here