Shed transformative light on your Arsenal during the Lunar New Year with several all-new Customizations that embody the Snake’s astonishing creativity! Harness boundless wisdom through the wondrously ornate Mirage Nuwa Skin, silence those that would impede your spiritual growth with the Boltor Lunaeus Skin, or embrace restorative vibes through various Bundles, Boosters, Mods, and loads more.
This year’s bundles include unique Customizations such as lavish Lunaeus Skins, fluffy Floofs, and a slew of free Items available until March 3 at 2 p.m. ET. There’s also the Giving Snake Glyph available via Alert from January 15 at 2 p.m. ET until February 15 at 2 p.m. ET. See the full contents of this year’s bundles below.
Note: You can pick up the Lunar Renewal Snake Emblem from Baro Ki'Teer during his visit from February 7 until February 9 at 9 a.m. ET, then again when the Void Trader returns on February 21 until February 23 at 9 a.m. ET.
Please note: Each Lunar Renewal item from the Bundles above is also available for individual purchase on the in-game Market.
Happy Year of the Snake, Tenno!