Celebrate the Year of the Ox
Earn exclusive Rewards until March 5
Posted On 2021-02-16 09:07:00
Celebrate the Year of the Ox

Ring in the Lunar New Year with festive Rewards! Brighten up your Orbiter or let fortune shine upon your Dojo with a Lucky Kavat Decoration and Calligraphy Poster. Impress fellow Tenno with the festive energy of an adorable Feasting Hamster Glyph, Ox Emblem and much more!

bundles and rewards

Commemorate the faithful Ox and earn Rewards by completing three 24-hour Alerts:

Alert #1: February 16 at 2 p.m. ET to February 17 at 2 p.m. ET
Reward: Feasting Hamster Glyph

Alert #2: February 17 at 2 p.m. ET to February 18 at 2 p.m. ET
Reward: Lunar Renewal Calligraphy Poster

Alert #3: February 18 at 2 p.m. ET to February 19 at 2 p.m. ET
Reward: Lunar Renewal Ox Emblem

Be sure to head over to the in-game Market and check out the Lunar Renewal Bundles which include exquisite Skins that are sure to delight!

tier 1 bundle

Blessing & Fortune Bundle

- White Lucky Kavat Decoration
- 3-Day Affinity Booster
- 1000 Endo
- 100,000 Credits

tier 2 bundle

Start Anew Bundle

- Lunaeus Knot Sugatra
- Lunaeus Machete Skin
- Turquoise Lucky Kavat Decoration
- 7-Day Affinity Booster
- 20,000 Kuva
- 200,000 Credits

tier 3 bundle

Luminous Brilliance Bundle

- Lunaeus Acceltra Skin
- Lunaeus Orthos Skin
- Lunaeus Pyrana Skin
- Gold Lucky Kavat Decoration
- 7-Day Resource Booster
- 7-Day Credit Booster
- Zaw Riven Mod
- Kitgun Riven Mod
- 30,000 Kuva
- 300,000 Credits

While we can celebrate the honest Ox all year long, you must act quickly Tenno! Bundles will only be available for purchase until March 5 at 2 p.m. ET.