All Hands: Incoming Fomorian
Posted On 2016-02-24 19:05:53

Hek is making his move. We have just detected a Balor Fomorian traveling on an interception course with a Relay. The beast moves slowly but if we allow it to get within firing range, it will surely obliterate our new relay. We need to destroy it before that happens.

Intelligence reports state that the Balor Fomorian’s power core emits a thick energy field composed of deadly omega radiation. In order to break through the field you will need to craft this Fomorian Disruptor. It will allow you to safely approach the core and when activated it will temporarily disrupt the core allowing you to inflict damage.

Move quickly Tenno, this is the first Balor Fomorian attack but it won’t be the last. When the others come we must be ready.

The Lotus